Transgender Education + Advocacy Workshop (March 2017)


Transgender Education + Advocacy Workshop (March 2017)


Understand Identity to Become a Better Ally

Taught by Basic Rights Oregon

Transgender people face discrimination and danger unlike any other marginalized community. Learn key concepts and understand how trans identities intersect with the LGBT and POC communities to become a better ally.

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Sunday, March 5th || 6:30-9:00pm
First Congregational Church || 1126 SW Park Ave
Limited to 100 students || Free with suggested donation to BRO + PUGS

With the increased media attention, folks have been reading lots of stories about being transgender, but don't know where to go to learn more. We're here to help!

This free event is perfect for folks who are not transgender and want to learn and ask questions about the transgender experience in a welcoming, educational, and relaxed environment.

Concepts and Terms
In the first section of the training, we work to define core terms like gender, assigned sex at birth, sexual orientation, gender non-conforming/non-binary, etc,. and explore how we map these concepts on a spectrum, rather than a binary. We feature examples of public figures that we then map on those spectrums, demonstrating how different identities exist, and are equally valid. It’s in this space that we work towards creating a shared language around trans identities, answering the questions that often get between folks and their interactions with the trans community.

Intersections of Gender Identity, Race, and Sexual Orientation
Equipped with a framework and language to discuss transgender identities, the second section of the training works to examine the lived experience of transgender people, and the intersection of experience shared with communities of color. LGBTQ People of Color experience every aspect of discrimination related to their LGBTQ and POC identities, and it is this knowledge that provides context for why allyship is so important.

Moving Sidewalk: Tips on Being an Ally
The third section aims to give folks a framework for understanding their own role in supporting transgender people, and specific things they should do/not do. Our examples focus on how folks getting trained can change their behavior to better support trans people, such as asking for pronouns or using gender neutral ones as a default, always using someone’s chosen name, and addressing what sorts of questions are appropriate or not.

Basic Right Oregon exists to ensure equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender and queer Oregonians by building a broad and inclusive politically powerful movement, shifting public opinion, and achieving policy victories.